Children’s Ministry

At Southside, Children are incredibly important to us. We believe in creating a secure environment for kids that nurtures a love for the church.
On Sunday mornings, Nursery care is available for children ages birth through three during the Worship Service.
SCCKIDZ offers interactive worship for kids in Pre-K to 6th grade on Sunday mornings, except the 5th Sunday, to teach foundational truths and promote fellowship and leadership skills.
“Igniting and nurturing a strong faith in children for their life long journey with Jesus.”
Please email any questions to Nikki Bolatto
For up to date reminders, information, and pictures, join our Facebook group!

Tweens & Teens Ministry
Southside Christian Church has partnered with Christ Community Church and combined youth groups. This group meets on Wednesday night at 7:00pm at Christ Community Church in downtown Ottawa.